Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Corny Joke Of the Day
A senior citizen named
"Heck," replied
A medical student was shocked when he received a failing grade in radiology. Approaching the professor, he demanded to know the reason for the grade.
"You know the self X-ray you took?" asked the professor.
"I do." said the student.
"Well it's a fine picture," the professor said, "of your lungs, stomach, and liver."
"If it's a fine picture, then why did you give me an F?" asked the student
"I had no choice," said the professor. "I'm afraid you didn't put your heart into it."
Why don't Oysters give to charity?
Because they're Shellfish!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Corny Joke Of the Day
A big company offered $50 for each money-saving idea submitted by its employees.
First prize went to the employee who suggested the award be cut to $25.
What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on it?
It didn't say anything. It just let out a little wine.
One night, after a long hard day at work a politician went home. It was fairly late, around 10:00 p.m. All of the sudden, a masked man jumped out of the bushes and demanded all the politician's money.
"You can't do that!!" The politician cried. "I'm a politician!"
"Oh," said the masked man, "in that case give me all MY money!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Laffy Taffy Jokes
What do you call an avid gardener?
-- Herb
Why do fish live in salt water?
--because pepper makes them sneeze
What did the man say when the picture fell on his head?
-- I've been framed!
Why did they bury the battery?
-- Because it was dead.
What do you call a crab who plays baseball?
-- a pinch-hitter
What do sneezes wear on their feet?
-- ahh-shoes
What do you do when you have no rubber bands?
-- find a plastic orchestra
What did the plate say to the other plate?
-- lunch is on me.
What's brown and sticky?
-- a stick
What's red and not there?
-- no tomatoes